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Gaining energy

Solar Energy

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ca. 3.100 sq.m. of  PV

PV on Facade

ca. 1.800 sq.m.

PV on Roofs

ca. 200 sq.m.

PV on Pergola

ca. 1.000 sq.m.

Vertical Wind Energy

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Harnessing Wind for Sustainable Power

A 20kW vertical axis wind power system with four high-efficiency 5kW Darrieus turbines provides a reliable renewable energy source, reducing dependency on traditional power while seamlessly integrating into the urban environment.

Integrated Solar Windows

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Energy-Efficient Design with SCHÜCO

Innovative solar panels seamlessly built into window frames generate renewable energy while maintaining sleek aesthetics. Developed in collaboration with Schüco, this technology enhances sustainability without compromising design or functionality.

Darrieus Wind Turbines


Silent, Efficient, and Bird-Friendly

These advanced vertical axis wind turbines operate quietly while maximizing energy efficiency. Their design ensures safe coexistence with urban wildlife, making them a sustainable and environmentally responsible power solution.

Geothermal Energy

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Sustainable Heating from the Earth

A network of 142 deep drills harnesses stable underground temperatures to provide efficient, renewable heating and cooling, reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption year-round.

Wind, Solar, Geothermal

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of electricity

from sun and wind


of cooling and heating

from geothermal pumps

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